Wednesday, January 29, 2020


Controlling is a systematic process that called process of checking actual performance against the standards or plans with a view to ensure adequate progress and also recording such experience as is gained as the possible future needs.

Controlling has got two basic purposes.Those are facilitatesco-ordinaton and helps in planning.There are also some features for controlling. Controlling is an end function- A function which comes once the performances are made in confirmities with plans.For example, controlling is a pervasive function which means it is performed by managers at all levels and in all type of concerns. Furthermore, controlling is forward looking because effective control is not possible without past being controlled. Controlling always look to future so that follow-up can be made whenever required.Controlling is a dynamic process- since controlling requires taking reviewal methods, changes have to be made wherever possible.Controlling is related with planning- Planning and Controlling are two inseperable functions of management. Without planning, controlling is a meaningless exercise and without controlling, planning is useless. Planning presupposes controlling and controlling succeeds planning.


Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Controlling in Management

Controlling in Management

The word Control is defined a component of the executives which assists with checking mistakes so as to take restorative activities. This is done to limit deviation from norms and guarantee that the expressed objectives of the association are accomplished in an ideal way. Plus Controlling is also the process of ensuring that actual activities conform to planned activities.

The word Management can be characterized as the way toward overseeing and controlling the undertakings of the association, independent of its temperament, type, structure and size. It is a demonstration of making and keeping up such a business domain wherein the individuals from the association can cooperate, and accomplish business targets proficiently and adequately.

So what is exactly ‘Controlling in Management’ means?

Controlling in a management helps the managers in monitor the benefits of their arranging, sorting out, and driving exercises. It also can also be viewed as detecting and correcting significant variations in the results obtained from planned activities.

Importance of Controlling in Management?

If you’re planning in a management without controlling is considered no use at all.

·        Helps keeping up with the changes

The control function helps managers to respond to these environmental changes as and when necessary

·        Creating a industry with a better quality

Employees are empowered to inspect and improve their work and this also helps change their attitudes and approaches to achieving effective control.

·        Make the production cycle of products faster.

Control helps to speed up the cycles involved in creating and then delivering new products and services to customers.

·        Increases teamwork among the management

Under a new participative system, managers communicate the standards, but then let employees, either as individuals or as teams, use their creativity to decide how to solve certain work problems.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Introduction to management (Controlling)

Definition: Control is a primary goal-oriented function of management in an organisation. It is a process of comparing the actual performance with the set standards of the company to ensure that activities are performed according to the plans and if not then taking corrective action.

Every manager needs to monitor and evaluate the activities of his subordinates. It helps in taking corrective actions by the manager in the given timeline to avoid contingency or company’s loss.

Controlling is performed at the lower, middle and upper levels of the management.

Features of Controlling
An effective control system has the following features:
  • It helps in achieving organizational goals.
  • Facilitates optimum utilization of resources.
  • It evaluates the accuracy of the standard.
  • It also sets discipline and order.
  • Motivates the employees and boosts employee morale.
  • Ensures future planning by revising standards.
  • Improves overall performance of an organization.
  • It also minimises errors.

Controlling and planning are interrelated for controlling gives an important input into the next planning cycle. Controlling is a backwards-looking function which brings the management cycle back to the planning function. Planning is a forward-looking process as it deals with the forecasts about the future conditions.

Process of Controlling

Control process involves the following steps as shown in the figure:

Establishing standards: This means setting up of the target which needs to be achieved to meet organisational goals eventually. Standards indicate the criteria of performance.

Control standards are categorized as quantitative and qualitative standards. Quantitative standards are expressed in terms of money. Qualitative standards, on the other hand, includes intangible items.
Measurement of actual performance: The actual performance of the employee is measured against the target. With the increasing levels of management, the measurement of performance becomes difficult.
Comparison of actual performance with the standard: This compares the degree of difference between the actual performance and the standard.
Taking corrective actions: It is initiated by the manager who corrects any defects in actual performance.

Controlling process thus regulates companies’ activities so that actual performance conforms to the standard plan. An effective control system enables managers to avoid circumstances which cause the company’s loss.
Types of control

There are three types of control

Feedback Control: This process involves collecting information about a finished task, assessing that information and improvising the same type of tasks in the future.

Concurrent control: It is also called real-time control. It checks any problem and examines it to take action before any loss is incurred. Example: control chart.

Predictive/ feedforward control: This type of control helps to foresee problem ahead of occurrence. Therefore action can be taken before such a circumstance arises.

In an ever-changing and complex environment, controlling forms an integral part of the organization.

Advantages of controlling
Saves time and energy
Allows managers to concentrate on important tasks. This allows better utilization of the managerial resource.
Helps in timely corrective action to be taken by the manager.
Managers can delegate tasks so routinely chores can be completed by subordinates.

On the contrary, controlling suffers from the constraint that the organization has no control over external factors. It can turn out to be a costly affair, especially for small companies.
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Introduction to Management (Influencing)


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source; google images
    What is management? Before we go even deeper about this topic, we should know what is the meaning of management itself. So, according to, management means essential for an organized life and necessary to run all types of management. Good management is the backbone of successful organizations. Managing life means getting things done to achieve life’s objectives and managing an organization means getting things done with and through other people to achieve its objectives.

   In simplest words, management is the administration of an organization, whether it is a business, a not-for-profit organization, or government body. In this topic, I would discuss the influencing aspect in this management things.

    Influencing skills require a business person to take others’ perspectives into account. It involves getting people to change their minds about a topic and to act in a certain way by acknowledging their opinions. Influencing people is about getting something done instead of complaining that it is a certain way.

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source; google images
  There are so many ways to influence people but I would like share three main ways of it. Logical appeals tap into people’s rational and intellectual positions. You present an argument for the best choice of action based on organizational benefits, personal benefits, or both, appealing to people’s minds.

  Next, emotional appeals connect your message, goal, or project to individual goals and values. An idea that promotes a person’s feelings of well-being, service, or sense of belonging tugs at the heart and has a good chance of gaining support.

  Furthermore, Cooperative appeals involve collaboration (what will you do together?), consultation (what ideas do other people have?), and alliances (who already supports you or has the credibility you need?). Working together to accomplish a mutually important goal extends a hand to others in the organization and is an extremely effective way of influencing.

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source; google images

 Leaders who effectively use these influencing skills can achieve their goals and objectives more successfully than leaders who lack that ability, regardless of where they sit in an organization.

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source; google images

Which Influence Tactic Is Right for You?
Here’s how to choose the best influencing tactic for your situation. To understand what might work best for a specific task or strategy, consider the following:

1. Assess the situation

2. Know your audience

3. Review your ability

4. Brainstorm your approach

    You might want to try out new influencing tactics in low-risk situations, practicing one-on-one. Focus on developing the 4 key skills needed to influence others. As you become more versatile and experienced, you’ll gain confidence in your ability to influence teams and larger groups, and to persuade others in higher-stakes situations.

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source; google images



A Guide to Organizational Planning during a Downturn
source : google images

    Process of identifying an organization's immediate and long-term objectives, and formulating and monitoring specific strategies to achieve them. It also entails staffing and resource allocation, and is one of the most important responsibilities of a management team.


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soure : google images

   As stated in the diagram, there are many types of organizational plan. But basically, operational plans, tactical plans and strategic plans were the base of management planning. 

1. Strategic Plans : define the framework of the organization’s vision and how the organization intends to make its vision a reality.
  • -It is the determination of the long-term objectives of an enterprise, the action plan to be adopted and the resources to be mobilized to achieve these goals.
  • -Since it is planning the direction of the company’s progress, it is done by the top management of an organization.
  • -It essentially focuses on planning for the coming years to take the organization from where it stands today to where it intends to be.

2. Tactical Plans : describe the tactics that the managers plan to adopt to achieve the objectives set in the strategic plan.
  • -Tactical plans span a short time frame (usually less than 3 years) and are usually developed by middle level managers.
  • -It details specific means or action plans to implement the strategic plan by units within each division.
  • -Tactical plans entail detailing resource and work allocation among the subunits within each division.
3. Operational Plans : are short-term (less than a year) plans developed to create specific action steps that support the strategic and tactical plans.
  • -They are usually developed by the manager to fulfill his or her job responsibilities.
  • -They are developed by supervisors, team leaders, and facilitators to support tactical plans.
  • -They govern the day-to-day operations of an organization.

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source : google images
    Strategic planning is important to an organization because it provides a sense of direction and outlines measurable goals. Strategic planning is a tool that is useful for guiding day-to-day decisions and also for evaluating progress and changing approaches when moving forward. In order to make the most of strategic planning, your company should give careful thought to the strategic objectives it outlines, and then back up these goals with realistic, thoroughly researched, quantifiable benchmarks for evaluating results.


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source : google images

Tuesday, January 21, 2020



Organizing  is the establishment of effective authority relationships among selected work, persons and work places in order for the group to work together efficiently.The process of dividing work into sections and departments.The organizing of information could be seen since humans began to write. Prior to that, history was passed down only through song and word. As can be seen with religion, books and spoken word, science organizing not only is history, but also supports the communication of history.

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  • Identifying and grouping of the work to be performed.
  • Defining and determining responsibility and authority for each job position.
  • Establishing relationship among various job positions.
  • Determining detailed rules and regulations of working for individuals and groups in organization.

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The important factors which are to be taken into consideration in the process of designing of the organizational structure.

  • Environment – The environment is relevant for behaviour and the organization structure. The most important characteristics of environment that determine organization structure are complexity, stability , and uncertainty.
  • Technology – It enables transformation of organizational inputs into outputs and it is an important determinant of the internal efficiency of the organization. Technology includes technical equipment for manufacturing, knowledge and ability for using the equipment, and working activity necessary for the transformation process.
  • Strategy – Starting from its internal potentials, chances and threats of environment, the organization designs its strategy for the realization of the objectives. This strategy requires a certain organization structure as the frame. 
  • Size – Connection between the size of the organization and its organizational structure is very easy to notice.

elements of organizing

Process of organizing
Organizing, like planning, is a process which is to be carefully worked out and applied. The process of organizing consists of the following five steps:

  • Identification of activities – Each organization exists for fulfilling a specific purpose. This purpose identifies the activities which are performed by the organization. 
  • Grouping of activities – Once the activities have been identified, then there is a necessity that they are grouped. The activities are grouped in various ways. The activities which are similar in nature can be grouped as one and a separate department can be created.
  • Assignment of responsibilities – Having completed the exercise of identifying, grouping and classifying of all activities into specific jobs, the individual employees comes into picture since the employees are to be assign with the responsibilities to take care of activities related to the specific jobs.
  • Granting authority – On the basis of specific responsibilities given to individual employees, they are to be provided with the necessary authority for the discharge of the assigned responsibilities in order to ensure their effective performance of the organization.
  • Establishing relationship – This is a very important part of the organizing function since each employee in the organization is to know as to whom to report and which are the employee who are to work with him.This structure of relationships also facilitates the delegation.

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  • Principle of specialization – According to the principle, the entire work of the organization is to be shared among the subordinates based on their qualifications, abilities and skills.
  • Principle of functional definition – The principle states that all the work in the organization is to be fully and clearly described to the managers and subordinates.
  • Principles of supervision or span of control – The principle states that the span of control shows the number of employees that a single manager can handle and control efficiently.
  • Principle of scalar chain – It is that chain of command or authorization in which there is minimum wastage of resources, communication is unaffected, overlapping of work is prevented, and this facilitates effective organization.
  • Principle of unity of command – As per this principle, one subordinate is accountable to only one superior at one time. This helps in preventing lack of communication and feedback and also brings about quick response.

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  1. Increase In Managerial Efficiency: A good and balanced organization helps the managers to increase their efficiency
  2. Proper Utilization of Resources: Through the medium of organization optimum utilization of all the available human and material resources of an enterprise becomes possible.
  3. Sound Communication Possible: Communication is essential for taking the right decision at the right time. However, the establishment of a good communication system is possible only through an organization.
  4. Facilitates Coordination: In order to attain successfully the objectives of the organization, coordination among various activities in the organization is essential. Organization is the only medium which makes coordination possible.
  5. Increase in Specialization: Under organization the whole work is divided into different parts. Competent persons are appointed to handle all the sub-works and by handling a particular work repeatedly they become specialists.

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Planning is the process of thinking about the activities required to achieve a desired goal. It is the first and foremost activity to achieve desired results. It involves the creation and maintenance of a plan, such as psychological aspects that require conceptual skills.

  •  Strategic plans 
  • Operational plans

  • Tactical plans

  • ·         

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    §  It helps managers to improve future performance, by establishing objectives and selecting a course of action, for the benefit of the organisation.
    §  It minimises risk and uncertainty, by looking ahead into the future.
    §  It facilitates the coordination of activities. Thus, reduces overlapping among activities and eliminates unproductive work.
    §  It states in advance, what should be done in future, so it provides direction for action.
    §  It uncovers and identifies future opportunities and threats.
    §  It sets out standards for controlling. It compares actual performance with the standard performance and efforts are made to correct the same.


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    Planning is a fundamental management function,which decided before taking any decision,what is to be done,when it is need to be done,how it needed to be done and who will be the person incharge to do it.It is a process where organisation's plans to achieve their objective and how to attain their goals.Planing is purely thinking before taking any action.It helps out to get a knowledge about decision making and its outcome on the future and decide on what will be the best way to achieve the goals in a well planned manner.

    Source :Google

    1.Managerial function : Planning is first base of deciding a goal to an organisation on deciding a plan to plan a the best outcome to the organisation.

    2.Goal oriented : It focuses on define the goal identifying different kind of plans for any courses of action to be finalized.The action plan to decide reach the organisation goal.

    3.Pervasive : It is pervasive in sense that is present in all segments and is required at all levels of the organisation.Although the scope of planning varies at different levels.

    4. Continuous Process : Plans are made for specific time in example ,say for a month,quarter,year and so on .Once that period is over,new plans are drawn considering the organisation's present and future requirements and conditions.

    5.Intellectual  Process : It is a mental exercise it involves the application of mind,to think,forecast and imagine intelligently.

    6.Futuristic : In the process of making plan considering the future of an organisation.Looking into the future to analyse and predict so that organisation can face challenges effectively in the future.

    7.Decision making : Decision is made up by considering all the positive and effective plans which benefits the organisation in drastically improving the performance of organisation.
                               Source :Google

    Planning is the primary function of management. Its purpose is to ensure optimum utilisation of human and economic resources in the business processes. It precedes all other activities of the business undertaking.

    It is the process of charting out the path for attaining the ultimate purpose of business operations by outlining the sequence of events forecast with reasonable degree of certainty. It involves not only anticipating the consequences of decisions but also predicting events that may have effects on a business.

    Thus planning is deciding in the present what to do in the future. It directs efforts and resources of an enterprise toward the common objectives. In the words’ of Drucker, “Planning function of management is the continuous process of making present entrepreneurial (risk-taking) decisions systematically and with the best possible knowledge of their futurity, organising systematically the efforts needed to carry out these decisions, and measuring the results of these decisions against the expectations through organised systematic feedback.”

    Planning requires both creativity and analysis in defining business opportunities and constraints. Hence it is called the art of the possible. It is the process of guiding the business enterprise toward clearly specified objectives with the clearest possible view of the future. Deciding what is desired and determining the actions required are both involved in planning.

    Monday, January 20, 2020



    Image result for influence management definition"
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    Influencing skills require a business person to take others’ perspectives into account. It involves getting people to change their minds about a topic and to act in a certain way by acknowledging their opinions. Influencing people is about getting something done instead of complaining that it is a certain way. People like being around those who can influence others. Influencing people makes almost any job easier, whether you want to convince investors to buy into your invention or want to heal relationships with injured stakeholders. It enables your organization to move toward its goals in a positive way.

    There are sevral factors affects the the organnization those influecing factors are Strategy, Size and Complexity, Technology, Environmental Turbulence. The strategy means how the organization places their own product itself in an advantages than of other compavitors. Most of the time they would like to be the latest in marke or process a product which already present on the market with more effeiciently and less cost. All these strategies requires a structure that helps the organzation achieve its objectives. 

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    As the organization grows larger and become sincreasingly complex and diverse the structure needs to change to allow for effective communication and coordination. Chandler found that large companies evolved through a pattern of four stages: the initial expansion and accumulation of resources, the rationalization of the use of resources, the expansion into new markets and lines to help assure the continuing full use of resources, and finally the development of a new of structure to make possible continuing effective mobilization of resources to meet both changing short term market demands and longterm market trends.

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    Technology also play a vital role in the organization during this stage. This is on of the factors cause the the innovation of one oragnization due to they genarally result a more effciency and lower costs for the firm. This us the method tasks can be completed by using tools, equipments, techniques, and human know-how-solve.

    Image result for technology  factor of organization"
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    Last but least the factors is enviromental turbulance. The environment indicates the world that organization operates in and inculding terms and conditons which affects the organization such as economic, social cultural, legal political, and natural environment conditions, These can be divided into two section where as stable and dynamic.
    In stable enivronment, the customer well acknowledge and mostly it can keep consistent for a relavitrly long period. Etc manufacturers of staple items such as detergent. clening supplies, and paper products.

    While in dynamic environment, the customers hoping its the newest and continuosly changing. The technology in a organization maybe be need to generate a new version in order to have a better improvement to the system.

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    In the end, there are quite number of factors I did not mentioned on above. But those factors also one of the important parts to influence onr organiztion. This give an idea to run oragnizaiton we needed to take merticulous and huge amount of consideration to ensure we that a step forward than others organization and keeping ourself always competible in markets.