Monday, January 20, 2020

Introduction To Management (ORGANIZING)

    Organizing is about using the plan to bring together the physical, financial and other available resources and use them to accomplish the organizational goal. If your goal were to increase sales, you would look at the plan and decide how you can split the money you have to execute the plan on. This is also about arranging the finances, ensuring the right equipment is used and appointing the personnel to the specific tasks.

    The organizing role relates to the overall structure of the specific level of management. Through arranging the tools you build the framework for daily operations. This function is closely linked to the management hierarchy.The top-level managers will coordinate the teams below them, while the lower-level managers must partially take orders from the managers above for successful organization.Organizing is a vital part of ensuring the company/department is able to function effectively and it concerns the day-to-day activities.


Why is organizing essential?

Though research without a plan it might be difficult, an organization may not be able to function without planning. The function is important, as it ensures the operations have structure. You are mindful of the tools and you ensure that they are used in a way that best helps the business / company achieve its goals.

Organizing in terms of finances can guarantee that you don't waste money on functions that don't deliver the right results. If you don't assign the right people to do the right work, you could be hurting profitability

You assure operational efficiency and structure by organizing the resources. The company's day doesn't begin in chaos, with people trying to figure out what they should be doing. Organizing is putting the plan into action.

Ressources would not necessarily work towards the organizational targets without coordinating. While you may still have the team performing tasks, the tasks for the situation may not be the correct ones.




How to organize?

If done effectively, organizing tends to follow the pattern listed below and the steps:

-Identify and classify activities-

The move is fairly straightforward, as you already have a strategy. Your goal is to identify the various roles, processes and activities required to attain the goals. These would be the roles the team members would have to perform, the different tasks each role would have to perform and the specific processes the tasks would include.

-Assign the duties and resources–

Once you’ve identified the above, you would begin organizing the resources. You would assign the specific tasks for the persons you feel are the most qualified and provide the resources to the processes, which most need them.

-Delegate authority and create responsibilities–

Managers shouldn’t behave like dictators. While the power is concentrated on you as the boss, this does not mean that you should have all the authority. You might want to ensure that the person in charge of the team has the authority to make decisions in order to get the marketing campaign to work properly. You need responsibility devolution, as it can ensure that the plan works effectively.

-Co-ordinate authority and responsibilities–

You also need to coordinate it, as well as delegating authority, to match the overall functionality of the organization and goal structure. For instance, you might want to share the responsibility of organizing price reductions with two people, each having the ability to respond to supplier queries. Furthermore, if you have other managers above you, teamwork is crucial.



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