Monday, January 20, 2020



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Influencing skills require a business person to take others’ perspectives into account. It involves getting people to change their minds about a topic and to act in a certain way by acknowledging their opinions. Influencing people is about getting something done instead of complaining that it is a certain way. People like being around those who can influence others. Influencing people makes almost any job easier, whether you want to convince investors to buy into your invention or want to heal relationships with injured stakeholders. It enables your organization to move toward its goals in a positive way.

There are sevral factors affects the the organnization those influecing factors are Strategy, Size and Complexity, Technology, Environmental Turbulence. The strategy means how the organization places their own product itself in an advantages than of other compavitors. Most of the time they would like to be the latest in marke or process a product which already present on the market with more effeiciently and less cost. All these strategies requires a structure that helps the organzation achieve its objectives. 

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As the organization grows larger and become sincreasingly complex and diverse the structure needs to change to allow for effective communication and coordination. Chandler found that large companies evolved through a pattern of four stages: the initial expansion and accumulation of resources, the rationalization of the use of resources, the expansion into new markets and lines to help assure the continuing full use of resources, and finally the development of a new of structure to make possible continuing effective mobilization of resources to meet both changing short term market demands and longterm market trends.

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Technology also play a vital role in the organization during this stage. This is on of the factors cause the the innovation of one oragnization due to they genarally result a more effciency and lower costs for the firm. This us the method tasks can be completed by using tools, equipments, techniques, and human know-how-solve.

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Last but least the factors is enviromental turbulance. The environment indicates the world that organization operates in and inculding terms and conditons which affects the organization such as economic, social cultural, legal political, and natural environment conditions, These can be divided into two section where as stable and dynamic.
In stable enivronment, the customer well acknowledge and mostly it can keep consistent for a relavitrly long period. Etc manufacturers of staple items such as detergent. clening supplies, and paper products.

While in dynamic environment, the customers hoping its the newest and continuosly changing. The technology in a organization maybe be need to generate a new version in order to have a better improvement to the system.

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In the end, there are quite number of factors I did not mentioned on above. But those factors also one of the important parts to influence onr organiztion. This give an idea to run oragnizaiton we needed to take merticulous and huge amount of consideration to ensure we that a step forward than others organization and keeping ourself always competible in markets.

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