Monday, January 20, 2020

Organizational Goal (Staffing)

source : Google image

To have quality organization and to reach organizational goals, one factor that need to be considered is staffing. What is staffing actually?

Simple meaning would be provide staffs in organisation. But, how to ensure effective staffing?

Firstly, the process begin by identifying the unique core strengths on each individual team member, and then formulating a staffing approach to develop these capabilities as well as address any critical talent gaps.

Ways to do staffing in the most effective ways are :

Don’t just be an employer, be a coach.
source : Google image
Create an environment of coaching and mentoring. Ensure that managers at all levels know how to coach properly. Those with the most success are approachable and are active listeners. They are growth facilitators who guide employees as needed.

Align staffing with strategic business goals planning.
source : Google image
Your talent acquisition and management plan should align with your company vision, as well as the specific SMART goals outlined in your operational roadmap. As HR or talent manager, you should have a seat at the C-suite table as these strategies are developed.

Remember: SMART stands for “specific, measurable, achievable, realistic” and “timely.”

Make motivation, recognition and retention high priorities.
source : Google image
Prioritize employee recognition and the result will be a positive, productive, innovative organizational climate. Thank employees privately and publicly. You will encourage more of the behavior and thinking that make your business successful.

Optimize organization and productivity.
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Continually review, reinvent and reinvest in the resources – including human capital – that will keep your company competitive and visible. List your short-term and long-term goals and time frames for meeting them. Invite input from involved personnel.

Streamline or outsource tasks to save time and money, and replace outdated processes and technology.

Promote team building.
source : Google image
Team building allows employees to experience a sense of accomplishment by working as a cohesive group to meet a challenging goal or complete a business-critical project. Barriers between individuals are broken, and relationships are cultivated. When they go back to their regular work, they’re ready and willing to help one another achieve both individual and organizational goals.

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