Bargain Tips
Hello guys today I just want to share little bit bout tips of bargaining at good price and be like a pro based on my experience in travelling...maybe not that pro cuz I'm not even reach that level yet but just assume like a pro my bargain idol Mr Collin Abroadcast.
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Study the place and their pricing first
Whatever you want to do,you need to survey first even a little cuz when you got the knowledge you will deal in great confident.
Dont need to bring a pen to do the survey,just have a talk with people who already go visited the place.
Like me before I go to Istanbul,my aunt already told me if you want to go shopping in Istanbul just shopping inside the bazaar and deal half price from the price offered.
Istanbul Grand Bazaar - Deal half price from the price offered
Example:Price offered:50 TL
Price deal: 25 TL
psst ! you could even deal lower than that though
but if you go to cant bargain at all cuz their prize is fixed and yeah if you go there you cant test your skill in bargaining.
Dont offer the price yet..ask first ?!!
If you offer the price first,you lose in the game.Just relax and cool.Ask the price first and start the game.Who knows the seller actually want to offer lower than that even lower than normal price due to personal problem such as already want to close the stall or the product already about to replace.
If you offer first then you cannot offer lower than that anymore.So you lose !
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Local language its work !
Try a little bit to speak local language . Its not because to show off your ability to speak other languages,just want to conquer the seller's heart little bit.Some of the important phrases you could learn in local language is stated below:
1."Hi how are you ? "
2."How much is this" ?
3.Number from 1 to 10
4."Thank you"
5. "I love (country) "
6."You are nice people"
7."My friend"
8."What is your name"
9. "My name is ..... "
10. "Good/Very good"
Offer the price lower than you intent to pay
Yes because of what?Who knows you are dealing with a really experienced and hard deal seller so just make a backup lower price.Like I said in Istanbul the price actually half from the price offered from the seller,just deal lower than that.This tip you can use anywhere even at 'pasar malam' in your area.
Example:Price offered:RM10
You want to pay: RM5
You offer price: RM3
Then yeah dont rise the price frequently..just a little and not constantly rise the price..just not to notice the seller that you are able to pay a higher price.
Remember !Dont show your money yet before the deal end.Deal first then pull out your money.Keep your financial status mysterious to the seller.
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Be bold plus be humble and polite even you are rich af
Please dont scared to the seller if the seller is scolding you to pay at his/her price.This always occur on Chinese sellers.Sometimes their speaking culture already like that or they just want to conquer your psychology like Indonesian sellers.Carry on with your bargaining until you are satisfied with the deal.Be humble,dont just pay without dealing just because want to show you are rich and able to pay that price.Fact ! Rich people always dealing in business and thats why they are rich cuz they always want benefit only for them.
If the seller is a soft type..I learn this from my father...If the bargain deal still not end yet,just put your money on his or her hand with your own price and make sure the stuff already been on your hand.At the same time when you give the money just talk politely and in friendly manner then the seller will let the stuff go. Just for the soft type seller.
If the seller make a sad face after the deal,just let him be.He just want to make you pay higher than that..he already got a big profit though believe me.
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After the deal end make friend with them
Yah after already win-win situation occur,start making friends with them.Thats the big meaning memory of travelling you will ever get in my opinion.On my review the best seller I like the most is Arabian seller,they are so friendly and easy to deal plus they know how to speak Indonesian Malay.
Take their contact and who knows you will get a great low price than other stall when shopping at his/her stall again in the future.
Okay guys hope my tips give a new skill in your life or maybe in the future.
Gotcha !
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