How to makes our self happy
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful".
Assalammualaikum and very good morning guys...How are you today? I'm hooping that everything will be okay... Stay positive okayyy <3
Today i wanna share with u guys how to makes yourself happy :)
Why i choose this topic to share with u guys today because, many of us not happy with their own self...So lets me share something :)...
so guys,everyone want to be one want to stay in unhappy life....
Want to be happier? Begin by being good to yourself. That may sound self-evident, but too many people skip this step and try to make themselves happy by chasing ever-higher goals, or holding themselves to ever-greater standards of perfection.
Ironically, being good to yourself instead will bring you closer to achieving those lofty ambitions, says Daylle Deanna Schwartz, speaker, columnist, and author of 15 books, including "The Effortless Entrepreneur." "The more you value yourself, especially at work, the more you build confidence," she says.
In fact, the happiest people go out of their way to treat themselves right and they do something nice for themselves each day. They set appropriate boundaries and take care of themselves by saying no to things when they need to. "When you love yourself, you understand that saying no to something you don't want to do is an act of kindness, and you don't walk around with negative feelings toward the person who asked you to do something you didn't want to do," Schwartz says.
Not only is being kind to yourself good for your career, it's good for your relationships too, she adds. "The more you build self-love, the more you have to give to others."
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1. Take care of yourself
If you are not performing at your greatest potential how can you be any good to anyone else. All of your needs must be met, and you should actively work on doing something for yourself every day. Stop putting what you want on the back burner for others. You should be the most important person to yourself.
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2. Work on your dreams.
Not a day should pass where you don't spend some part of it no matter how small devoted to your dreams and goals. Even if it's only five minutes, there will be so much fulfillment in those five minutes that you will be encouraged to spend more time devoted to making your dream come true.
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3. Use happiness confirmations.
Tons of books and websites offer beautiful happiness reminders. The happiness quotes and testimonies are great to read and reaffirm your mission of joy. Humans are creatures of habit, and we need constant reminders of things before they become second nature to us. Therefore, the confirmations work to train our minds in a new way of thinking and approaching our fulfillment.
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4. Be thankful.
Gratitude is crucial in attaining happiness. The things you currently have in life were once a desire, so you must be grateful for the current manifestations in your life to manifest more. The universe operates off of vibrations: if you are always thankful, you will receive more reasons to be thankful.
5. Make no comparisons.
When you compare your life to that of a person who you presume is doing better than yourself you are setting yourself up for mental strife and emotional instability. The feeling that someone doesn't deserve something as much as you do will drive you mad. What the Universe has for you will come to you just be patient.
6. Celebrate small victories.
Every little thing you do counts. Praise yourself for small wins, small wins add up to big wins. Celebrating little things will help to keep you focused on the bigger goal in mind. If the little things are being done, then there is only a matter of time before the big goal is accomplished as well.
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7. Believe that you deserve.
You deserve to be happy. There is nothing that you have done in your life that ultimately decided that you can't have joy. You have to know and understand that you deserve to be happy and that you are the sole person responsible for making you happy.
8. Stay away from negativity.
Negativity comes from everywhere. It is your duty to recognize when something makes you uncomfortable and does not add value to your life. It is crucial to do your best to rid your environment and life of negative energy, people, situations, etc. One cannot attain happiness in an atmosphere full of negativity.
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Happiness is attainable by all. We must remember to understand that everyone's view of happiness looks different, and it is imperative that we do not compare our happiness to someone else's. Happiness is like a fingerprint: it is unique to the individual.
So,i'm hoping that i can help u guys to cheer yourself to be happy...Always be happy....You,I and we deserve to be happy...Only with be happy everyone can having a wonderful life that full with happiness..... :) ...Lots of love from me <3<3<3
nice one baby girl!!