Tuesday, October 22, 2019

25 Bravo a.k.a Bulls

      Bulls huh? What a name! So, this is my last blog also the twelfth. Nothing I want to tell and share and maybe, here I want to share about my class that full with laughs, lame jokes, silly behaviour, but this is my class, I just love them all.

     So where do I start? okay first, maybe some of you especially the outsiders do not know what is 25 means. So here, 25 actually the number of batch for Diploma in Nautical Studies, here in ALAM. So we are the twenty-fifth batch here. So basically, our Regimented Officer aka RO just randomly picked us to put in each class and there where it all begins.

     As usual, first meet will be quite weird but after sometimes, we had known each other. Our junior year was hell, during semester one and two, but we managed to go through all of the obstacles in front through ups and downs and survived.

     The first picture below is our class during junior year (except yuqi and geo that were tumpang our baris hehe), we so lucky because God has given us two angel in the class, Izzah and Diana. Fun fact about them, they both from same state, same hometown, maybe they make a promise to enter ALAM together hehe.

DNS 25 BRAVO (except yuqi&geo)
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formal portrait, thanks Mr OBA, willingly to take the photo.
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a few of us participating in ALAM sports month
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during the modular courses
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pool day
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the boys during CEO Cup
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workshop day
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     Every clouds has it's silver lining, when we are going to semester three, senior year, a few of us had stucked on their subjects which forcing them to repeat the subject. A bitter pill to swallow but as our glamorous Capt. Siva said "Life's goes on". I'm always hoping for the best to them and also us.

    But, who knows, God has a better plan, they replaced them with a gang of seniors that just finished their practical onboard the ship. At first, we've been thought that they must be arrogant, just hang with each other but it's completely wrong, they are the best of all, friendly and do not mind sharing their knowledge and experiences onboard.

with the bros
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     So for the classmates, final exam just around the corner, let's finish it! And for the remaining one semester, I hope we can go through it together and all the best on board later. May we sail a gentle seas gentlemen! Goodluck future seafarers!



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