Tuesday, October 22, 2019


                                                            WATER POLLUTION

Hello guys.Today Im going talk about water pollution.
Water is essential to life.Yet water pollution is one of the most serious
ecological threats we face today. Water pollution happens when toxic substance
enter water bodies such as lakes,rivers,oceans and so on. Water pollution caused by
industrial waste, domestic sewage and agricultural waste.

Industrial waste is defined as waste generated by manufacturing or industrial
process. For example, cafeteria garbage, chemical substances, weed grass and
trees and wood and scrap lumber. These are poisonous to many forms of aquatic life
and may slow their development, make them infertile or even result in death.

Domestic sewage is the pollution caused to the earth by domestic use.
Sewage originating primarily from kitchen,bathroom and laundry sources. Domestic
sewage is also very likely to contain disease-causing bacteria,which can travel on
any waste. Disease that could cause by domestic sewage are food poisoning, skin
allergic and Hepatitis A.
Agricultural waste is waste produced as a result of various agricultural
operations. It includes wastes from farms, poultry houses waste and also pesticides
that enter into water. Pesticides are used in farming to control weeds, insects and

Pesticides also can cause water pollution and poison for aquatic life.
In a nutshell, water pollution is the result of industrial waste, domestic sewage
and agricultural waste. Although these causes which contribute major effects to the
water pollution are difficult to overcome without people’s cooperation on taking care
of our environment. Hence, to reduce the water pollution,we should respect and
protect our mother nature so that our future generation get healthy and fresh
environment to live.

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