Monday, October 21, 2019


Through my life I have been to many schools. This thing is common when parents are teachers. because my dad is a teacher, so ever since I was 6 years old I start following him to school. but through my life I've met many great people. These people I called friends. They are the that made me who I am today.

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the people above are my friends from my last school. they are the on that help me to strive for my future to go to ALAM. they help me in my studies. we studied, ate , slept, bathed and prayed together .These memories that you can only get when you study at boarding SCHOOL

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 These are my friends from ALAM.  When we get punish by the Rank holders and seniors during our junior years in sem1. They always support me. not just me but we support each other. during my junior years we are train to follow one rule. and that is ``all for one and one for all`` so if one of my batch mate make problems, all of us must face the consequences. but things had and now we are the seniors

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last but not least, this is my friends from my hometown. we were friends since we were in kindergarten. Even though we live very far apart right now but every time I come  home they would always be there at home waiting for my arrival.

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