Tuesday, October 22, 2019

My Son

Most of you don't know this, but I have a son. He first came into my life when I was 9 years old. He is not my biological son though, I adopted him. (making babies at that age isn't legal, and probably not possible as well but anyways..) However, I love him as if he were my own son. He is pretty much one of the only things that keeps me happy these days. This is especially true when I get back home from ALAM during our overnight leave. He would go crazy jumping on me and start licking me all over. I know, pretty odd behaviour for someone who is already 10 years old. Come to think of it, he is really weird. I mean, he's 10 years old and takes huge ass dumps all over the porch for christ's sake. Attached below are a few pictures of my son.

alright im kidding

This is my son

all pictures are from my phone

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