Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Ship Visit: MV Polaris

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 So, hello guys, today I would like to share with you one of the moment that we couldn't be forgotten where we got the chance to visit and go onboard the MV Polaris during alongside at Port Klang. The vessel is belong to Marine Department of Malaysia. The type of the vessel is a multipurpose vessel where she can do various job while at sea.

   We got the chance because of we were participating in Seafarer's Day that was held at the there. After the ceremony done. The Chief Officer of the vessel agreed to bring us to go onboard his vessel. The Chief Officer had brought us inside the superstructure to see the cabins, galley, mess room, and so on. The most exciting one is when the Chief Officer brought us to the bridge. The vessel has all the latest technology in navigating and commanding the vessel. That was an amazing experiences for us where we still cadets and never go onboard before.

Here are some photos taken onboard the vessel..

the view of her deck, got so many buoy
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the view of her bridge
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wow what a good looking model hehe
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   Surely, I'd like to thank to the Chief Mate for bringing us onboard the vessel, eventhough just half an hour but we learned a lot and feel the environment and condition while in the bridge as a deck officer. That was fantastic!


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