Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Advantages of Regular Exercise

People these days don't really take care of their bodyweight.In Malaysia .30% of the residents in Malaysia are categorized under overweight catagory which is a sad n ews .There are many advantages if you exercise regularly.One of the advatages is it can make you feel much happier.Being active has been shown to have many health benefits,both physically and mentally,and it also may help you live even longer.
Moreover,constant exercise can also help with weight loss.Your body spends energy in three ways:digesting food,exercising and maintaining body functions like your heartbeat and breathing.Additionally,studies have shown that combining aerobic exercises with resistance training can mazximize fat loss and muscle mass maintanence,which is essentialfor keeping your weight off.
Another advantage of exercising is it is good for your muscle and bones.This is because exercise helpps release harmones that promote the ability of your muscle to absorb amino acids which  helps them grow to reduce their breakdown..Practicing regular physical activity is essential to reducing muscle loss and maintain strength as you age.
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In addition rugular exercise can reduce your risk of chronic diesease.Regular exercise had been shown to improve insulin sensitivity,cardiovascular fitness and body composition,yet decrease blood pressure and blood fat levels.Daily physical activity is recommended to reduce belly fat and reduce the risk of developing this diesease.

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