Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Botak Chin

Hmmm where do I start? Okay so here's a dude I've known for nearly 13 years of my life. I first met him way back in primary school, but we only started getting close during our first year of secondary school. Its pretty hard to explain my relationship with this fella but it mostly involves us doing the dumbest shit together and then getting caught (no regrets). We've done lots of things together. From ponteng-ing sekolah to somehow ending up in a police station together (long story). I cannot discuss most of the things we have done together on here for obvious reasons (some of them being downright illegal). You might think we were being reckless, maybe, but I think we were just adventurous. I mean, you only live once right? Plus, more stories to tell your grandkids in the future.

Smoke break on the first day of SPM

mamak with tai and dayak warrior

too much orange juice


tai meeting the most beautiful girl he's ever met in his life

met this norwegian dude in Penang, top bloke.
not sure if he was norwegian or swedish... can't remember tbh

in my study room aka the rendezvous/vape shop/r&r/anything else besides studying

first time hiking; almost died


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