Monday, October 21, 2019


If you're dealing with a heavy load of stress, you likely feel like it is a weight in every area of your life. Stress is becoming common in adulthood, but it can be debilitating if it's intense and constant. Luckily, stress is not only common but curable as well. With the right tools, you can overcome stress and return to living a happy and healthy life. When you feel overcome by stress, remember that you are not alone. More than 70 percent of American adults admit to feeling stressed or exhibiting anxiety on a daily basis. These challenges come in a variety of forms, but each is common and curable. When working to eliminate stress in your life, it can be helpful to understand the type of stress that you're experiencing. There are three main types of stress which are acute, episodic and chronic stress. Acute stress is caused by a short-term event, such as planning a wedding. Episodic stress is short-term, but it happens repeatedly. For example, meeting work-related deadlines or getting children to school on time can cause episodic stress. Chronic stress, on the other hand, is long-term stress due to major life events like a chronic illness or persistent financial troubles. Each of these forms of stress can develop from and affect all areas of your life including work, relationships, health, finances, and trauma. However as mentioned earlier, although stress is common, it is curable. Some ways to reduce stress are :-

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1. Meditation and Deep Breathing

You can try deep breathing anywhere, from the aisles of the grocery store to behind the wheel of your car. If this works for you, you may also want to explore meditation and yoga. Yoga in particular can ease the muscles in your back, neck, and chest, all of which are commonly affected by stress.

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2. Exercise

Getting your blood pumping will increase your heart rate and lower your blood pressure. Exercise also causes your brain to release natural endorphins, which help you to decrease stress levels. When you feel better, you'll want to work out more, so a little exercise can quickly kick start a positive cycle.

3. Take A Bath

When you take a bath, the quiet time alone and the warmth on your skin can lower stress levels significantly. In addition, the following essential oils to your bath as well as aromatherapy will help you reduce your stress even more. Body wash featuring Lavender, Sandalwood, Roman Chamomile, Orange, Rose, and Frankincense have strong aroma and can help reduce stress levels.

( Source : Google Images )

4. Get Enough Rest

When you get enough sleep, the hormone cortisol levels which is a hormone related to stress, balance and you feel more capable to tackle daily tasks. If you're not able to sleep well at night, consider taking a nap. The additional rest may be what your body needs to recover from stress.

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5. Write

Journaling is known to reduce stress levels significantly. It helps you put your life events in perspective. When you can clearly see what's happening in a given situation, you can determine if your reactions are appropriate or stress-induced. Journaling can also help you to pinpoint the stressors in your life, so you are better able to remove or re-mediate them.

When you feel overwhelmed by stress, remember you're not alone. With a few lifestyle changes and help from a therapist you trust, you'll be back to living a healthy, happy life in no time. You're stronger than any stressor that comes your way. Take the first step today.

( Source : Google Images )

1 comment:

  1. Awesome techniques but one more way that i used for stress relief is get a massage with organic Stress Relief Oil.
