Tuesday, October 22, 2019

How to Deal with crush


Copy their body language if you want to show that you're interested. Mirroring is a popular body language technique where you imitate how the other person stands, moves, and talks. It “reflects” that you're in sync with them. For example, if they're leaning in, lean in, too. And if they take a sip of their drink, well, you take a sip of yours. It's so subtle, they won't even realize what you're doing.[1]
  • This works in conversation, too, with tone, pitch, and words. For example, if they're using a sarcastic tone, mimic that. And if they're speaking softly, lower your volume as well.
  • Mirroring should be natural and understated. Don't copy every single thing they do. Just try to imitate their overall body language. Otherwise, if you move every time they move or obsess over it, they'll notice something is off.
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(source: Google)

Act normal around them if you want to keep your crush a secret. No matter how much you might be freaking out on the inside, keep your actions calm and collected on the outside. That means talking at a normal pace and volume, remembering to breathe, and carrying a normal conversation. Just be yourself! For example, if you're typically pretty reserved or quiet, don't suddenly start chatting nervously nonstop. On the other hand, if you usually talk to your crush a lot, try not to get tongue-tied or silent around them.
  • Avoid trying so hard to hide your feelings that you end up being mean or hurting your crush. For example, joking and teasing is okay if it's harmless, but don't say something like “Wow, you look like you've gained a few!” if you know they're self-conscious about their weight.
  • If you're struggling to act normal or if you get really nervous around them, try taking a few deep breaths to calm your nerves before you start talking. Focus on the sensation of the air flowing in and out of your nostrils.
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(source: Google)

Give yourself some distance if you aren't able to hide your feelings. If you think you'll make it obvious that you have a crush, like by acting embarrassed or tripping over your words, it's best to spend less time around that person. Otherwise, they'll be able to detect your romantic feelings, which could make things awkward for you. For instance, don't go to the party they're hosting or change your normal hallway route so you don't run into them outside homeroom.[2]
  • If you're in the same class or have another unavoidable activity together, you can still give yourself space. For example, sit at a different table or ask someone else to be your lab partner.
  • Don't make it obvious that you're distancing yourself. For instance, if you see them walking towards you in the hall, don't dramatically run away. Instead, smile back politely and keep walking.
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(source: Google)

Distract yourself by spending time doing things you love. The more time you spend sitting alone at home, the more time you'll obsess over your crush. Instead, find fun ways to fill your time and take your mind off your feelings. For example, make plans with different friends so your weekend is completely booked, or teach yourself a new hobby.[3]
  • Not only will focusing on yourself make you stop thinking about them, it will also make you a more cultivated person in general. Win-win!
  • If you still find yourself checking your phone while you're with your friends or doing another activity, try putting your phone on “Do Not Disturb” mode so you won't get notified if they text you, or unfollow or mute them on social media.
Image result for how to flirt crush
(source: Google)

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