Tuesday, October 22, 2019


                                                       IMPORTANCE OF EDUCATION .

 The value of education can be understood from the fact that as soon as we are born,
our parents start educating us about an essential thing in life. In today’s era, our world is
developing and changing to bring up future leaders who have a proper education . An
educated leader will use the weapon of education to change the world. Hence, there are
several importance of education in one’s life which are education help us to gain knowledge,
lead to a good and healthy lifestyle and opens doors to brilliant career opportunities in
various fields.

Education is very important because it help us to gain knowledge. Francis Bacon,
who is an English philosopher said that ‘Knowledge is power’. It is because it gives us a
knowledge of the world around us and changes it into something useful in our life .For
example, whenever a person have a knowledge of the world he will not involve in negative
activities which harms our country. It also develops a perspective of looking at life in us. It
helps us build opinions and have points of view on things in life. A knowledgeable person will
make a right decision to solve all the problems in their life. Knowledge also improves
confident level in people. They will speak out their points to everyone bravely and from there
it will help to conquer their afraid of public and increase confident level in themselves.

Furthermore, education also plays a vital role to lead us to a good and healthy
lifestyle. Education helps us to know the uses of various types of food and how to consume
them. They will know how to choose a food before buying it . For example, they will check
the ingredients and expiry dates before buy a packaging food. An educated person will
always choose to eat healthy food and avoid the junk food automatically. It is because they
know the impact of eating junk food and fast food. It also helps us to protect ourselves from
diseases. They also avoid bad habits in them such as smoking, alcohol and other habits
which harm their health.

In a nutshell, “A man without education is like a building without foundation”. A
proper education will change the quality of life of a person in their future. As mentioned
above, we can see there are many benefits of education in difference aspects such as
benefits that bring to an individual. From my opinion, government and other private
associations should take place to promote the education level of citizens. For instance,
government can provide subsidy or loan for those people who cannot afford the expensive
schooling fee. While parents should also provide the proper education to their children at
home such as moral education. A proper education will change the quality of life of a person
in their future.

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