5 Huge Creatures Caught By Humans
The living things in the water are strange. Some of them even looks big, weird, scary. Due to we usually not contact with them, this make us get shock when every time we meet huge size or new breed of the creatures in water. Today, I going to introduce to you all some huge water living thing had been caught by human.
Usually we always get some impression of that the lobster are small in sizes which will not bigger than a plate. But in fact, the wild lobster can be bigger than the plate size a lot. This time a fisherman, who name Robert Malone caught a wild lobster which weight 27 pounds and the length in 40 inches in the Pacific Coastal. From the end of the tail to its crawl the length looks like a size of three years old baby. For this particular lobster, they have named it as Rocky. Many of the local aquarium advised them to release the lobster, because of the profession discover that if the Rocky lobster haven't grow in adult and thinks that it got the possibility grow up to over 44 pounds. When its becomes adult it can breaks the world's record becomes the largest lobster in the world. So far the largest wild lobster had been discover was found in the Scotland water territorial in 1977 years.

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2. Claude Crab
This is a crab which weight in 16 pounds that had been caught in Australia Coastal. The name of the crab itself as Claude, the breed belongs to Tasmania King Crab. If you only looking at the sizes of the crawl its is even bigger than a human's palm size. The Tasmania Kings Crab is one of the delicacy on the local, the texture of the it fleshy and fat. When time fisherman caught him, they does not hand it over to the restaurant instead of that they sold it with another two same breed of crab to one of the the England Aquarium. The specialist said that Claude still in puberty, and they expect that it will becomes 2 times heavy that it current body weight in future.

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3. Giant Crocodile
Every years that are hundreds of people death due to catch the crocodile. The crocodile are so ferocious and huge, because of this reason there are always having a controversial that who has caught the largest size of the crocodile among people. This is the one whom deemed by people the largest crocodile is in length about 6.7 meters. Based on this data, there is not doubt that he is one of the largest crocodile existing in world. The present of this crocodile makes an astonishing to local residents.

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4. Sharks
The sharks are one of the huge creatures in the ocean. The human also hunt down them for their shark fin. There is one of the sharks length in 5 meters in Japan Okinawa Ocean Aquarium, when the moments it had been caught cause a lot of discussion in world wide. In that particular time, a lot people wish to release the shark back to the ocean. In this particular moments, the holder of world record for the largest size of shark is the great white sharks who found in 1959 years in Australia which weight up to 2646 pounds.
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Up to these days, the world's record holder for the swordfish is belongs to the swordfish which discovered in 1953 years in the ocean at the Peru. This black swordfish i the rare breed of the swordfish, weight in 1560 pounds. The fisherman was fighting with this particular 174 inches swordfish for 1 hour and 45 minutes in order to catch it. In the early 50 era, the equipment and the fishing rod of that time, the fishing man can mange caught this huge swordfish actually is an amazing stuff. Until now non of the the swordfish can breaks the record of this.
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