Thursday, October 17, 2019


( Source : Google Images )

Many people find themselves cramped up in a daily or weekly routine that offers little more enjoyable time instead some might build up their stress levels. While it's important to continue and follow the schedule that you have set up, sometimes the same routine becomes dull. So one way to break the problem is to focus on one or even more hobbies that is both enjoyable and helps you pass the time in meaningful way. Spending time doing something that is enjoyable and which is not attached to work will help increase your happiness and satisfaction level in your life. It will allow you to spend your time wisely doing something that is only for your own personal benefit. Without having a hobby, your life may become boring and might even end up in an unhealthy cycle. Hobbies can actually bring a lot of benefits to yourself without even you realizing it. Therefore, here are some advantages of having or adopting a hobby.

( Source : Google Images )


Firstly, your hobby should be a completely pleasurable activity that allows you to take your mind off the stresses due to daily life or any negative emotions. Although, you might think that adding an activity to your list of things to do might seem like it could create more stress, it is actually a great outlet for releasing stress. When you focus on a non-work-related task and you are able to get into the flow of it, all of your stress seems to fade away. For example, maybe you are interested in taking up fishing. While you might initially see this as a time commitment that you cannot really afford, once you are able to carve out the time in your busy schedule to focus on being on the water and in nature, it will help you leave work and life aside for a while.


Work-related challenges are often accompanied by stress as well as the pressure to be the best at what you are doing. With a hobby, you can enjoy the process of learning something new without feeling discouraged at being bad at it in the beginning. It can even help you get out of your comfort zone. A hobby can also offer you different types of challenges than you are not used to. While you may spend your days at work being challenged mentally, you can take up a hobby that can challenge you physically, such as rock climbing or kayaking.


Just as your body is nourished through food and exercise, your soul needs to be nourished as well. This can happen through creativity and spiritual practices. Doing something that leaves you feeling inspired and recharged will help you apply those feelings to other areas of your life. Feeding your soul spiritually involves regularly connecting with your higher power. Your best spiritual hobby will help you feel calm, peaceful, and purposeful. Hobbies are almost a form of meditation because they can help you relax your mind and connect with the higher power.

You likely already assume that mentally intensive hobbies such as playing chess or learning computer coding can give your brain an excellent workout. However, did you know that craft hobbies like sewing and beading can help improve your memory as well? Doing these purposeful activities has the power to focus your brain, similar to the way meditation does. Crafting hobbies help ward off depression while protecting the brain from memory loss due to aging.
( Source : Google Images )

What do you usually do before going to bed?  Like a lot of people, you probably just look through your phone, watch television, or look through social media and then, you probably have a hard time falling asleep. Instead of wasting your time doing these things, finding a relaxing hobby can slow down your heart rate and decrease the frequency of your brain waves at night. This allows you to fall asleep more easily. Also, feeling the “good” kind of tired after being active during the day can help you get a more restful sleep. So if your hobby is more active, like taking a kickboxing class during the day, this can help exhaust your body and prepare it for a good night's sleep.
( Source : Google Images )


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